Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged meetings in Sep, 2012

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2012 × Month: Sep × meetings × Sorted by date

Product Demonstrations: What’s the best way to view/demo a website offline at an event?

If this is a static website (just HTML, images, CSS and a bit of JavaScript) you might be able to get it running on your laptop using a web server. OS X prior to Mountain Lion had a built in Apache which could be turned on using the “Web Sharing” option in the Sharing preference page, but it looks like they’ve now removed that option—a way of turning it back on again is described here:

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If I’m eating during an evening meeting (where a full food spread is available for 20 meeting attendees), how do I know how loud my chewing and crunching is? Am I disrupting the meeting?

It’s probably fine, provided you eat with your mouth closed! If you’re really nervous about it, politely and discretely ask someone.

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