Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries in Sep, 2012

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2012 × Month: Sep × Sorted by date

If I’m eating during an evening meeting (where a full food spread is available for 20 meeting attendees), how do I know how loud my chewing and crunching is? Am I disrupting the meeting?

It’s probably fine, provided you eat with your mouth closed! If you’re really nervous about it, politely and discretely ask someone.

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Should I use Dropbox instead of Git for 2 coders? In terms of going really fast and working on things at the same time, I’m thinking it may be uber productive to use Dropbox for it’s instant syncing instead of Git/Github. What are the pros/cons?

Dropbox is definitely the wrong tool for this—you’ll find yourself running in to all sorts of weird problems very quickly if you attempt to use it this way.

[... 119 words]