Simon Willison’s Weblog


Quotations in Apr, 2008

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We are happy to announce that the Google Contacts Data API now supports OAuth. This is our first step towards OAuth enabling all Google Data APIs. Please note that this is an alpha release and we may make changes to the protocol before the official release.

Wei Tu # 26th April 2008, 10:15 am

I’ve become increasingly convinced that what CEOs should be crying out for is not more innovation but fewer self-imposed obstacles.

Simon Wardley # 19th April 2008, 4:26 pm

Once you reach a certain level of activity in the system where the garbage collector can no longer keep up (and it will happen), then every line of code in your system is now a potential failure point that can leave the whole program in a bad state. Lisp has this problem. Java has this problem. Erlang does not.

Damien Katz # 14th April 2008, 3:17 pm

[Amazon’s] forthcoming persistent storage feature will give you the ability to create reliable, persistent storage volumes for use with EC2. Once created, these volumes will be part of your account and will have a lifetime independent of any particular EC2 instance.

Jeff Barr # 14th April 2008, 7:50 am

The problem of grues is, of course, their recursive nature. To wit: A) Grues are found wherever it is very dark. B) There are no light sources on the inside of a grue. Therefore, being eaten by a grue is a fate which entails being eaten by an infinite number of progressively smaller grues, presumably nested in a geometrically complicated and interesting way.

Arturus # 13th April 2008, 2:40 am

The Google App Engine model class, db.Model, is not the same as the model class used by Django. As a result, you cannot directly use the Django forms framework with Google App Engine. However, Google App Engine includes a module, db.djangoforms, which casts between the datastore models used with Google App Engine and the Django models specification. In most cases, you can use db.djangoforms.ModelForm in the same manner as the Django framework.

Google App Engine docs # 8th April 2008, 1:48 pm

Ignoring reality in favour of what we would like to be true doesn’t actually work. This simple axiom probably underlies almost everything the WHATWG has done so far, and it has so far served us well.

Ian Hickson # 7th April 2008, 7:24 am

The ISO are now calling a “standard” the Microsoft Office format [...] What is interesting is that TeX, LaTeX, OGG/Vorbis, OGG/Theora, Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, OCaml, are not standardized by any organization. [...] This shows that standardization organizations are no longer relevant in the software field. What really matters is free full documentation, free full implementation source code, and of course the absence of any patent risk. [...] In other words, what matters is evidence that any independent third-party can create and distribute a fully-conforming implementation.

Benoît Jacob # 2nd April 2008, 8:30 pm


Mark Pilgrim # 1st April 2008, 10:58 pm