Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged projects in Apr, 2019

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2019 × Month: Apr × projects × Sorted by date

Hello world for ASGI running on Glitch (via) I’m continuing to experiment with Python 3 running on Glitch. This evening on my walk home from work I built this “hello world” demo on my phone, partly to see if Glitch was a workable mobile development environment—it passed with flying colours! The demo is a simple hello world implemented using the new ASGI 3.0 specification, running on the daphne reference server. Click the “via” link for my accompanying thread on Twitter, which includes a short screencast (also recorded on my phone) showing Glitch in action. # 26th April 2019, 5:06 am

csv-diff 0.3.1 (via) I released a minor update to my csv-diff CLI tool today which does a better job of displaying a human-readable representation of rows that have been added or removed from a file—previously they were represented as an ugly JSON dump. My script monitoring changes to the official list of trees in San Francisco has been running for a month now and has captured 23 commits! # 7th April 2019, 8:03 pm



