Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged css in Dec

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Frontend in 2017: The important parts. Keeping track of developments in the frontend and JavaScript community is pretty much a full time job here days, so I found this summary of trends and developments over 2017 very useful for trying to catch up. # 29th December 2017, 8:30 am

Going Nuts with CSS Transitions. Nat’s article for this year’s 24ways—adding special effects to images using CSS rotation, box shadows and the magical -webkit-transition property. # 14th December 2009, 1:16 pm

Quickchoice—a Speed Dial clone (via) Lovely demonstration of the CSS transform property, as supported by modern browsers. The magic is all in the iframe { transform: scale(0.25, 0.25) translate(-1200px, -900px) } # 23rd December 2008, 12:49 pm

Extending jQuery’s selector capabilities. I already knew this was possible, but the examples James Padolsey provides are eye-opening—I especially like his clever :data selector extension which lets you write CSS selectors that query against jQuery’s custom “data” DOM element storage in a manner similar to CSS2 attribute selectors. # 12th December 2008, 6:05 pm

24 ways: User Styling. The web geek advent calendar is up and running again this year, with a striking new design. # 3rd December 2008, 9:08 am

IE8 Passes Acid2 Test. This is huge. As Kevin Yank points out, this means IE8 includes proper support for the object tag, CSS table layout properties and generated content. # 20th December 2007, 3:11 pm

I don’t even use Firefox and Firebug anymore, the revised Web Inspector in Leopard has been incorporated in Coda and that does everything I need and more.

Jon Hicks # 20th December 2007, 3:09 pm

To get a better future, not only do we need a return to “the browser wars”, we need to applaud and use the hell out of “non-standard” features until such time as there’s a standard to cover equivalent functionality. Non-standard features are the future, and suggesting that they are somehow “bad” is to work against your own self-interest.

Alex Russell # 16th December 2007, 11:33 pm

ExtInfoWindow 1.0: Ajax powered, CSS customization. Finally, a semi-official way of creating customised info windows for the Google Maps API. You lose the default shadow but gain the ability to style the entire info window using CSS. # 15th December 2007, 12:22 pm

Back To The Future of Print. Nat’s contribution to 24 ways: a long needed update on the state of the art in print stylesheets. # 9th December 2007, 12:56 am

YUI 2.4.0 released. Lots of great new features, but the one I’m most excited about is Selector: YUI finally has a CSS query engine. # 5th December 2007, 3:32 pm

Introducing text-stroke. Webkit has some sexy new CSS properties: -webkit-text-fill-color, -webkit-text-stroke-color, -webkit-text-stroke-width. # 21st December 2006, 10:34 am

Conditionally Sticky Sidebar. A nicer implementation of the trick I’m using for my add comment form; this one takes advantage of position: fixed in browsers that support it. # 20th December 2006, 1 am

RoundedCornr. Generates code for rounded corner boxes (with optional graded fills—very Web 2.0). Slightly different way of nesting divs to the way I’ve used in the past. # 16th December 2006, 11:49 pm

YUI CSS Grid builder (via) The YUI CSS grid system can be hard to get your head around. This interactive tool makes it much easier to figure out. # 16th December 2006, 10:30 pm