Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged facebook in Nov, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Nov × facebook × Sorted by date

Does Facebook fly you to London when you apply for this office or are the interviews done remotely?

If they are anything like Google (which I expect they are) they will do the initial interviews remotely and then fly promising candidates to the London office (or even to California) for in-person interviews.

[... 58 words]

Why doesn’t xkcd site have social media share options?

My guess: he probably thinks they are a bit tacky.

[... 45 words]

Is there any way to generate thumbnails of web links like Facebook generates when we paste a link in status or comment?

There are a bunch of services that can do this. I’ve successfully used for this in the past.

[... 48 words]



