Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged c in Nov

Filters: Month: Nov × c × Sorted by date

Unravelling `not` in Python (via) Part of a series where Brett Cannon looks at how fundamental Python syntactic sugar works, including a clearly explained dive into the underlying op codes and C implementation. # 27th November 2020, 5:59 pm

Building a GeoIP server with ZeroMQ. ZeroMQ makes it trivially easy to write a network service in raw C that makes functionality from a C library (in this case the MaxMind GeoIP library) available to clients written in many different client languages. # 9th November 2010, 9:36 am

Jonathan Caves: Adventures in Visual C (via) Who’d have thought Microsoft would have all the best in-house bloggers? # 23rd November 2003, 11:59 pm


