Simon Willison’s Weblog


Updated production-ready Gemini models. Two new models from Google Gemini today: gemini-1.5-pro-002 and gemini-1.5-flash-002. Their -latest aliases will update to these new models in "the next few days", and new -001 suffixes can be used to stick with the older models. The new models benchmark slightly better in various ways and should respond faster.

Flash continues to have a 1,048,576 input token and 8,192 output token limit. Pro is 2,097,152 input tokens.

Google also announced a significant price reduction for Pro, effective on the 1st of October. Inputs less than 128,000 tokens drop from $3.50/million to $1.25/million (above 128,000 tokens it's dropping from $7 to $5) and output costs drop from $10.50/million to $2.50/million ($21 down to $10 for the >128,000 case).

For comparison, GPT-4o is currently $5/m input and $15/m output and Claude 3.5 Sonnet is $3/m input and $15/m output. Gemini 1.5 Pro was already the cheapest of the frontier models and now it's even cheaper.

Correction: I missed gpt-4o-2024-08-06 which is listed later on the OpenAI pricing page and priced at $2.50/m input and $10/m output. So the new Gemini 1.5 Pro prices are undercutting that.

Gemini has always offered finely grained safety filters - it sounds like those are now turned down to minimum by default, which is a welcome change:

For the models released today, the filters will not be applied by default so that developers can determine the configuration best suited for their use case.

Also interesting: they've tweaked the expected length of default responses:

For use cases like summarization, question answering, and extraction, the default output length of the updated models is ~5-20% shorter than previous models.