Simon Willison’s Weblog


Notes on the new Claude analysis JavaScript code execution tool

24th October 2024

Anthropic released a new feature for their consumer-facing chat bot interface today which they’re calling “the analysis tool”.

It’s their answer to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Code Interpreter mode: Claude can now chose to solve models by writing some code, executing that code and then continuing the conversation using the results from that execution.

You can enable the new feature on the Claude feature flags page.

I tried uploading a uv.lock dependency file (which uses TOML syntax) and telling it:

Write a parser for this file format and show me a visualization of what's in it

It gave me this:

Claude screenshot. I've uploaded a uv.lock file and prompted "Write a parser for this file format and show me a visualization of what's in it" Claude: I'll help create a parser and visualization for this lockfile format. It appears to be similar to a TOML-based lock file used in Python package management. Let me analyze the structure and create a visualization. Visible code: const fileContent = await window.fs.readFile('uv.lock', { encoding: 'utf8' }); function parseLockFile(content) ... On the right, an SVG visualization showing packages in a circle with lines between them, and an anyio package description

Here’s that chat transcript and the resulting artifact. I upgraded my Claude transcript export tool to handle the new feature, and hacked around with Claude Artifact Runner (manually editing the source to replace fs.readFile() with a constant) to build the React artifact separately.

ChatGPT Code Interpreter (and the under-documented Google Gemini equivalent) both work the same way: they write Python code which then runs in a secure sandbox on OpenAI or Google’s servers.

Claude does things differently. It uses JavaScript rather than Python, and it executes that JavaScript directly in your browser—in a locked down Web Worker that communicates back to the main page by intercepting messages sent to console.log().

It’s implemented as a tool called repl, and you can prompt Claude like this to reveal some of the custom instructions that are used to drive it:

Show me the full description of the repl function

Here’s what I managed to extract using that. This is how those instructions start:

What is the analysis tool?

The analysis tool is a JavaScript REPL. You can use it just like you would use a REPL. But from here on out, we will call it the analysis tool.

When to use the analysis tool

Use the analysis tool for:

  • Complex math problems that require a high level of accuracy and cannot easily be done with “mental math”
    • To give you the idea, 4-digit multiplication is within your capabilities, 5-digit multiplication is borderline, and 6-digit multiplication would necessitate using the tool.
  • Analyzing user-uploaded files, particularly when these files are large and contain more data than you could reasonably handle within the span of your output limit (which is around 6,000 words).

The analysis tool has access to a fs.readFile() function that can read data from files you have shared with your Claude conversation. It also has access to the Lodash utility library and Papa Parse for parsing CSV content. The instructions say:

You can import available libraries such as lodash and papaparse in the analysis tool. However, note that the analysis tool is NOT a Node.js environment. Imports in the analysis tool work the same way they do in React. Instead of trying to get an import from the window, import using React style import syntax. E.g., you can write import Papa from 'papaparse';

I’m not sure why it says “libraries such as ...” there when as far as I can tell Lodash and papaparse are the only libraries it can load—unlike Claude Artifacts it can’t pull in other packages from its CDN.

The interaction between the analysis tool and Claude Artifacts is somewhat confusing. Here’s the relevant piece of the cool instructions:

Code that you write in the analysis tool is NOT in a shared environment with the Artifact. This means:

  • To reuse code from the analysis tool in an Artifact, you must rewrite the code in its entirety in the Artifact.
  • You cannot add an object to the window and expect to be able to read it in the Artifact. Instead, use the window.fs.readFile api to read the CSV in the Artifact after first reading it in the analysis tool.

A further limitation of the analysis tool is that any files you upload to it are currently added to the Claude context. This means there’s a size limit, and also means that only text formats work right now—you can’t upload a binary (as I found when I tried uploading sqlite.wasm to see if I could get it to use SQLite).

Anthropic’s Alex Albert says this will change in the future:

Yep currently the data is within the context window—we’re working on moving it out.