Simon Willison’s Weblog


CalcGPT (via) Fun satirical GPT-powered calculator demo by Calvin Liang, originally built in July 2023. From the ChatGPT-generated artist statement:

The piece invites us to reflect on the necessity and relevance of AI in every aspect of our lives as opposed to its prevailing use as a mere marketing gimmick. With its delightful slowness and propensity for computational errors, CalcGPT elicits mirth while urging us to question our zealous indulgence in all things AI.

The source code shows that it's using babbage-002 (a GPT3-era OpenAI model which I hadn't realized was still available through their API) that takes a completion-style prompt, which Calvin primes with some examples before including the user's entered expression from the calculator:


It sets \n as the stop sequence.