Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 17th June 2021

Multi-region PostgreSQL on Fly (via) Really interesting piece of architectural design from Fly here. Fly can run your application (as a Docker container run using Firecracker) in multiple regions around the world, and they’ve now quietly added PostgreSQL multi-region support. The way it works is that all-but-one region can have a read-only replica, and requests sent to application servers can perform read-only queries against their local region’s replica. If a request needs to execute a SQL update your application code can return a “fly-replay: region=scl” HTTP header and the Fly CDN will transparently replay the request against the region containing the leader database. This also means you can implement tricks like setting a 10s expiring cookie every time the user performs a write, such that their requests in the next 10s will go straight to the leader and avoid them experiencing any replication lag that hasn’t caught up with their latest update.

# 6:39 pm / fly, scaling, replication, postgresql

2021 » June
