Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 11th May 2020

And for what? Again - there is a swath of use cases which would be hard without React and which aren’t complicated enough to push beyond React’s limits. But there are also a lot of problems for which I can’t see any concrete benefit to using React. Those are things like blogs, shopping-cart-websites, mostly-CRUD-and-forms-websites. For these things, all of the fancy optimizations are optimizations to get you closer to the performance you would’ve gotten if you just hadn’t used so much technology.

Tom MacWright

# 12:03 am / react, tom-macwright

Data Journalism Academy (via) MaryJo Webster is the data editor for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, and a 2019 Pulitzer nominee. She’s has a huge amount of experience teaching data journalism and has just released her accumulated teaching materials in the form of the Data Journalism Academy.

# 4:45 am / data-journalism

Why we at $FAMOUS_COMPANY Switched to $HYPED_TECHNOLOGY (via) Beautiful piece of writing by Saagar Jha. “Ultimately, however, our decision to switch was driven by our difficulty in hiring new talent for $UNREMARKABLE_LANGUAGE, despite it being taught in dozens of universities across the United States. Our blog posts on $PRACTICAL_OPEN_SOURCE_FRAMEWORK seemed to get fewer upvotes when posted on Reddit as well, cementing our conviction that our technology stack was now legacy code.”

# 7:11 pm / migration

2020 » May
