Simon Willison’s Weblog


What are you some good blogs, videos, papers, etc. on scaling Django?

20th December 2011

My answer to What are you some good blogs, videos, papers, etc. on scaling Django? on Quora

We’re building up a pretty sizable collection of video (and slides) from talks about Django on—including plenty that talk about scaling issues. Try this:—we have 16 videos and 16 slide decks from talks at events all over the world.

I gave a talk about how we’ve scaled Lanyrd so far at BrightonPy earlier this year:

David Cramer has given a bunch of talks about Django scaling based on his experiences at Disqus:

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This is What are you some good blogs, videos, papers, etc. on scaling Django? by Simon Willison, posted on 20th December 2011.

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