Simon Willison’s Weblog


October 2006

Oct. 25, 2006

Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates. Holy cow, when did this start? 50,000 articles and counting.

# 1:24 pm

Oct. 26, 2006

Zope 3 in 30 Minutes. I understand Zope 3 better having read this.

# 2:54 pm

Python, Metaclasses and Overloaded Methods. Really great explanation and demonstration of metaclasses.

# 4:43 pm

Oct. 28, 2006

Tim Berners-Lee: Reinventing HTML. “It is necessary to evolve HTML incrementally.” W3C to work on HTML again.

# 12:27 am / html, html5, w3c, web-standards, tim-berners-lee

Oct. 29, 2006

830! How a carpenter got the highest Scrabble score ever. Great story—they weren’t even playing particularly well.

# 3:15 pm

Subversion branching quick start. Ned Batchelder’s branching tutorial.

# 3:27 pm / subversion, ned-batchelder, branching

New Popular Edition Maps. UK maps from the 1940s. Go add your postcode!

# 4:29 pm Ed Parsons is CTO at Ordinance Survey, and has a really interesting weblog.

# 4:32 pm

Oct. 30, 2006

Why Tim Berners-Lee is Wrong. Elliotte thinks XHTML is not the problem. I’m not convinced.

# 5:54 pm / tim-berners-lee, elliotte-rusty-harold, xhtml

Oct. 31, 2006

Optimizing Page Load Time. Great article; skip to the bottom for the solid tips.

# 10:05 am

Optimizing Page Load Time. Great article; skip to the bottom for the solid tips.

# 10:05 am

Some intimate details on the Google YouTube Deal. From an anonymous source, but fascinating if true.

# 11:20 am

Fun with ctypes

This probably only works on Intel-based OS X machines:

[... 86 words]

Google buy JotSpot. JotSpot is one of my favourite startups; excellent news.

# 2:59 pm

Menuism on Y! BBAuth. 70% of new users chose to use their Yahoo! account rather than create a new one.

# 4:51 pm / yahoo, menuism, bbauth

2006 » October
