Simon Willison’s Weblog


May 2006

May 14, 2006

“Lock The Vault? What Kind Of Maniac Would Steal Money From A Bank?”. Voting machine company rep rules out possibility of corrupt election officials.

# 7:44 am

JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web. Brendan Eich at The Ajax Experience.

# 8:21 pm

May 15, 2006

Python Templates. It’s surprising how much work you can get done building on Python’s string interpolation.

# 2:25 pm

Are you generic? More Django for designers, this time from Wilson Miner.

# 2:26 pm

May 17, 2006

Google Web Toolkit—Build AJAX apps in the Java language (via) Write Java that “compiles” to JavaScript and HTML. Weird.

# 7:25 am

Google Web Toolkit is NOT open source. “The GWT Java-to-JavaScript compiler and hosted web browser are shipped binary-only.”

# 8:46 am

Planet XTech: Aggregated coverage of XTech 2006. Simple but very effective conference coverage mashup.

# 2:11 pm

May 18, 2006

Notes from my Yahoo! UI Library talk

I gave my talk on the Yahoo! User Interface Library here at XTech on Tuesday. There’s so much great stuff in the library that cramming it all in to 45 minutes proved impossible, so I ended up focusing on the utilities (dom, event, connection, animation and dragdrop) and providing an overview of the controls at the end.

[... 141 words]

May 23, 2006

hCalendar in Endo. Nice screencast of a Microformat consuming feed reader.

# 1:57 pm

Sahi. Neat proxy/JavaScript based web app testing tool.

# 2:09 pm

May 24, 2006

Most Monitors Won’t Play New HD Video. DRM strikes again.

# 9:03 am

Room 641A. Interesting back-of-an-envelope analysis of the NSA domestic spying scandal.

# 6:36 pm

Using TinyMCE in Django’s admin. Using the js admin argument.

# 6:48 pm

15 Days Of jQuery. 15 days of tutorials for one of the more quirky JS libraries.

# 7:47 pm

May 25, 2006 Haaarg, world! (via) Really sweet story of teaching a 6 year old Python.

# 11:35 pm

May 26, 2006

Web APIs, not Web Services

In Web Services are Dead, Long Live Web Services, Mark Nottingham suggests HTTP Web Services as a better phrase for discussing machine-to-machine communication using HTTP where the WS-* stack isn’t assumed.

[... 112 words]

IE DOMInspector. Recommended at the London JavaScript night. $69 though.

# 4:55 pm

Travel-time Maps and their Uses. Fascinating concept, beautiful maps.

# 7:22 pm

May 28, 2006

Own your data: ad-hoc representations. Includes interesting notes about Tabblo’s implementation.

# 11:41 am

Executing JavaScript on page load (updated). I’ve updated the code to fix a problem in IE 7.

# 12:29 pm

May 30, 2006

Photographing Squirrels—a photoset on Flickr. Real wild squirrels with real vintage cameras. Awesome.

# 11:13 am / squirrels, flickr

May 31, 2006

Feedjack. A Django Python Powered Feed Aggregator.

# 9:50 am

Faster DOM Queries. Dean’s IE-specific getElementsBySelector optimisation is evil genius.

# 9:53 am

2006 » May