Simon Willison’s Weblog


January 2006

Jan. 22, 2006

Mozilla causing XSS in Livejournal. Their recent worm attack was caused by the -moz-binding CSS property.

# 9:37 pm / mozilla, css, livejournal, security, xss

Jan. 23, 2006

Video Game Maps (via) Beautiful collection of maps, extracted using scripts and hard work.

# 9:58 am

Getting Funky With Scopes and Closures. Mark Wubben has some neat tricks up his sleeve.

# 10:27 am

Jan. 24, 2006

The Long Snout. O’Reilly announce their beta-book program, and get it exactly right.

# 12:20 am

Closures And Highly Readable Sequence Sorting Customization. Really neat usage of closures in Python.

# 12:23 am

Replace callback emulation for safari. Neat fix for a particularly annoying Safari bug.

# 5:05 pm

Jan. 27, 2006

Can social bookmarking services prevent a bookmark from becoming dead links?

Yahoo!’s MyWeb 2.0 can do that. (Disclaimer: I work for Yahoo!, but not directly on that product).

[... 36 words]

Jan. 30, 2006

Yahoo! RSS Feeds. That’s a big list of RSS feeds.

# 8:51 pm

Jan. 31, 2006

PHP Conference UK. In London on Feb 10th. Early bird rate is a bargain at fifty quid.

# 9:07 am

Channel9 Wiki: InternetExplorerProgrammingBugs. This page is a gold mine.

# 12:28 pm

2006 » January
