Simon Willison’s Weblog


March 2004

March 1, 2004

Defending YAGNI. I’ve been learning to say YAGNI recently.

# 4:24 pm / yagni

SSCrabble (via) Scrabble in Javascript and CSS. Very impressive.

# 4:37 pm

For Windows Users, ’Browser Hijacking’ Is Only the Latest Threat (via) The Washington Post recommends Firefox or Mozilla over IE.

# 4:38 pm

March 2, 2004

In praise of Apache documentation

I spent much of today upgrading a distinctly hairy Apache 1.3 server to Apache 2.0 as part of a routine OS upgrade. It certainly wasn’t plain sailing—I still have a few crinkles to iron out—but that’s more down to the weirdness of the existing configuration than any problems with Apache 2.

[... 180 words] Another big corporation with a valid HTML 4 and CSS website. Congrats Nat.

# 8:01 am

Additional Headsurfer Comments Regarding SCO Contract. EV1 on why they paid up. Their customers on why they aren’t too happy.

# 5:46 pm

March 3, 2004

Pages. Clean and simple content management.

# 3:04 am

Unicode Regular Expressions. [a \U00010450] Match “a” or U+10450 SHAVIAN LETTER PEEP

# 3:06 am

March 4, 2004


LugRadio rocks. It’s a collaboration between Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Stephen Parkes and Matthew Revell, all members of the Wolverhampton Linux User Group. They’ve just released their second episode after over 1,000 people downloaded the first one. It’s witty, laid back, saracastic and quintessentially English—in fact just listening to some genuine British banter is enough to make me a little homesick. Thoroughly recommended.

Art, licenses and freedom (via) Jono Bacon on LugRadio’s CC license.

# 10:50 pm

March 5, 2004

The Happy Poster Project. “A smile is for life, not just for kittens”

# 5:38 am

Real Obnoxious (via) A litanty of Real Player atrocities.

# 5:40 am

Tcl for Web Nerds. TCL is the embedded scripting language for the open source AOLServer.

# 6:24 am

Two handy FireFox extensions

Just a quick plug for a couple of FireFox extensions I’ve been digging recently. Chris Pederick’s Web Developer toolbar / menu extension combines ideas from a whole bunch of other extensions and bookmarklets in to one extremely useful whole. The usual assortment of validation and element outlining options are present, but the really useful tools are “View Cookie Information” and “View Response Headers”. I’ve used separate extensions for these before but it’s handy to have them all in one package.

[... 118 words]

World Subways. Displayed on the same scale.

# 4:57 pm

Unappetizing? (via) If there’s no such thing as bad publicity, the Spong Monkeys are about to take over the world.

# 9:35 pm / spongmonkeys

DOH.NET (via) Oops.

# 10:48 pm


Via Kevin Fox, Wired are running an article that claims that authors of popular blog sites regularly borrow topics from lesser-known bloggers -- and they often do so without attribution.

[... 342 words]

And the award for the best award... (via) An awards ceremony for award ceremonies. You couldn’t make this stuff up.

# 11:44 pm

March 6, 2004

Ghost town, sponsored by Google

Via Boing Boing, this fascinating and utterly chilling photographic journey through the abandoned ruins of the Chernobyl dead zone.

[... 61 words]

Where Is My Gay Apocalypse? (via) Over 3,500 gay marriages and, what, no hellfire? I was promised hellfire. And riots. What gives?

# 2:02 am

March 7, 2004

The Exorcist in 30 seconds (via) (and re-enacted by bunnies)

# 12:04 am

IE7: Intro. Multiple fixes for missing IE features using Javscript and CSS.

# 1:50 am

Fixing IE. I wax lyrical about IE7 on my SitePoint blog.

# 1:51 am

March 8, 2004

Experience Google’s new look. Via a clever bookmarklet that changes your cookie.

# 3:45 pm

Divmod.Org :: Nevow. a next-generation web application templating system

# 4:17 pm

Know Your Enemy (via) A great series of essays about defending against script kiddies.

# 4:29 pm

SharedID (via) Single sign-in system based on FOAF—but it isn’t decentralised.

# 4:54 pm

Jay-Z Construction Set (via) The logical conclusion of Grey Tuesday.

# 5 pm

2004 » March