Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for uptime

2 items tagged “uptime”


Amazon S3 Availability Event: July 20, 2008. Don’t let the newspeak put you off; this is an honest and informative description of the bug that took down S3 last Sunday, although it does include the world’s longest way of saying “we turned it off and on again”.

# 27th July 2008, 5:42 pm / newspeak, amazon, s3, uptime


Amazon S3 Service Level Agreement (via) Went in to effect on the 1st of October. Promises 99.9% uptime over a monthly billing cycle or you get “service credits” towards future S3 payments.

# 9th October 2007, 12:52 am / jeffrey-mcmanus, s3, sla, amazon, web-services, uptime, aws