Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for tinymce

2 posts tagged “tinymce”


Plupload (via) Fantastic new open source project from the team behind TinyMCE. Plupload offers a cross-browser JavaScript File uploading API that handles multiple file uploads, client-side progress meters, type filtering and even client-side image resizing and drag-and-drop from the desktop. It achieves all of this by providing backends for Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 and Browserplus and picking the most capable available option.

# 10th February 2010, 12:53 pm / plupload, tinymce, uploads, flash, silverlight, html5, gears, browserplus, javascript


A browser sniffing warning: The trouble with Acid3 and TinyMCE. Opera recommend “bug detection”, a step up from object detection and browser sniffing where your JavaScript includes mini unit test style fragments of code designed to test if buggy behaviour you are working around still affects the user’s browser.

# 4th July 2008, 8:24 am / bugdetection, javascript, object, browsers, opera, objectdetection, browsersniffing, acid3, tinymce