Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for sup

2 posts tagged “sup”


Simple Update Protocol: Update. Already implemented by more than five services, each of which now have near-real-time updates in to the FriendFeed syndication engine.

# 18th December 2008, 11:33 pm / friendfeed, syndication, sup, realtime

FriendFeed Blog: Simple Update Protocol. FriendFeed infamously poll RSS feeds on the 43 services they support millions of times an hour in an effort to keep their content as real-time as possible. SUP is a new proposal by FriendFeed for a sort of “master feed” of changes to a site—instead of hitting the Flickr feed for each of their users they would just poll Flickr’s SUP feed every minute or so to find out who had uploaded a new photo, and only retrieve the RSS feed for those users.

# 28th August 2008, 12:16 pm / friendfeed, sup, feeds, atom, rss, flickr, polling