Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for specification

3 posts tagged “specification”


OAuth: Your valet key for the Web. OAuth is a really important new specification that aims to solve the “give this application permission to do X on my behalf” problem once and for all.

# 21st September 2007, 11:34 pm / oauth, openid, specification, authentication, web-services, apis


Pingback 1.0

Hixie has published the specification for Pingback 1.0. In general the specification is an excellent document, but I’m not entirely happy with the following statement:

[... 117 words]

Pingback spec

I just realised I haven’t linked to the Pingback specification yet, so here it is. The spec has been carefully assembled by Ian Hickson and, although it is still a working draught, should be the first stop for anyone who wishes to create a Pingback implementation.