Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for socialnetworkportability

2 posts tagged “socialnetworkportability”


I think there's a great danger that, as a result of framing the current opportunity around "data portability", the story that will get picked up and retold will be the about copying data between social networks, rather than the more compelling, more future-facing, and frankly more likely situation of data streaming from trusted brokered sources to downstream authorized consumers.

Chris Messina

# 12th May 2008, 8:13 am / chris-messina, data-portability, socialnetworkportability


Thoughts on the Social Graph. I think social network portability will happen within the next year.

# 17th August 2007, 11:47 pm / socialgraph, socialnetworkportability, brad-fitzpatrick, david-recordon, openid