Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for snark

2 posts tagged “snark”


There are two [Wikipedias]: One is the public-facing reliable-enough-on-average encyclopedia that people read every day, which makes for nice fluff pieces in the media about "these new Web thingamajigs that the kids are building, aren't they neat?". The other is the insular behind-the-scenes bureaucracy, which reads like an improvised performance of the collected writings of Clay Shirky.

James Bennett

# 16th June 2008, 8:16 am / james-bennett, wikipedia, clay-shirky, snark

James B. on Pownce (via) James Bennett has started using Pownce for sort of medium-format blog entries, longer than a tweet but shorter than a blog essay and delivered with a healthy dose of snark.

# 2nd May 2008, 9:15 pm / snark, james-bennett, pownce, blogging