5 posts tagged “simon-brunning”
More Java
Simon Brunning has a great selection of online Java resources. I should really give it its own category.
Object persistence
Simon Brunning talks about persistence, and how much more complicated it is now that objects are involved. The best explanation I’ve seen of how objects and relational databases can be used together was in Martin Fowler’s Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, but now that the book has been published he has removed the online version. IBM’s DeveloperWorks has a new article up describing persistence management in Python, which talks in details about Python’s native serialization method (pickling) but only mentions ZODB in passing. I agree with Simon—object databases just don’t seem as elegant a solution as RDBMSs. Object databases may provide persistence but they don’t seem nearly as powerful as relational databases when it comes to flexibility of accessing data.
JSP bits and pieces
I’ve been reading up on the Jakarta Struts MVC framework, courtesy of Simon Brunning. Struts, an open-source MVC implementation is a great starting point, and the ONJava JSP/JSTL series (also found via Simon) were very informative as well.
Addition to the blogroll
Small Values of Cool—links to things that I find interesting
by Simon Brunning. I turns out I find them interesting as well. Lots of Python stuff on there at the moment, including a link to the new Python Wiki.