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4 posts tagged “ooxml”


My own favorites were Cuba voting "yes" to the fast-tracking of OOXML, even though Microsoft is prohibited by the US Government from selling any software on the island that might even be able to read and write the new format, and Azerbaijan's "yes" vote, even though OOXML as defined isn't able to express a Web URL address in Azeri, their official language.

Jeremy Allison

# 15th September 2007, 10:40 am / ooxml, iso, standards, microsoft, jeremy-allison, odf, cuba, azerbaijan

Corrupt countries were more likely to support the OOXML document format. “We used the 2006 CPI index (Corruption Perceptions Index) as a measure of corruption.”—a statistical study by Electronic Frontier Finland.

# 7th September 2007, 11:30 pm / ooxml, microsoft, corruption, effi, finland

How much is that standard in the window, the one with the lovely tale? “The real loser in this could be ISO’s reputation itself.” Simon Wardley summarises the embarrassing shenanigans surrounding ISO’s rubber stamping of Microsoft’s OOXML.

# 3rd September 2007, 4:49 pm / office, microsoft, standards, ooxml, simon-wardley, iso

Emerging consensus in favour of a unified document format standard? A call to arms from Mark Shuttleworth—help convince ISO to adopt ODF as a single unified document format standard.

# 14th August 2007, 12:14 pm / odf, ooxml, mark-shuttleworth, iso, standards