Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for instapaper

2 posts tagged “instapaper”


Instapaper requiring email and passwords for new accounts. Instapaper are changing from their novel “enter a username or email address, only enter a password if you really want one” registration scheme to a more traditional email and password required model. Messing with registration forms is a risky business—in this case, the non-obvious support issues that resulted were a net negative.

# 15th December 2010, 8:35 pm / forms, instapaper, registration, usability, recovered

Breakfast Instapaper. Handy tool for selecting and bulk-submitting stories from today’s Guardian and NYTimes to your Instapaper account, by Daniel Vydra.

# 29th April 2010, 11:49 am / daniel-vydra, guardian, new-york-times, instapaper