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4 posts tagged “fuse”


PownceFS. Not a joke: it’s a Fuse filesystem (written in Python, using OAuth for authentication) which exposes a directory for each of your friends on Pownce containing the files that they have uploaded.

# 22nd March 2008, 11:18 pm / pownce, python, oauth, fuse, powncefs, richard-crowley


LoggerFS. Clever use of FUSE: a virtual filesystem which looks out for lines appended to a log file (matched with a regular expression) and stores them in a database instead.

# 29th October 2007, 10:40 am / logging, fuse, loggerfs

The Spotlight File System for MacFUSE (via) Finally, an easy way to create proper virtual folders on OS X using Spotlight and FUSE.

# 25th January 2007, 6:48 pm / fuse, spotlight, osx

MacFUSE: FUSE for Mac OS X. Mac support for user-space custom file systems, API compatible with those already written for Linux. Amit Singh runs; I hadn’t realised that he had moved to Google.

# 12th January 2007, 9:47 am / amit-singh, osx, fuse, filesystem, google