Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for crime

3 posts tagged “crime”


It’s probably a bad idea to risk paying your ransom, though — the US Treasury Dept has issued clarifying guidance that companies paying off ransomware, and all companies facilitating the payment, can be charged with sanctions violations if the bitcoins end up at North Korea or sanctioned cybercrime groups.

David Gerard

# 10th October 2020, 9:17 pm / crime, bitcoin


I am pleased to inform all of you that there is a notorious black market maple syrup seller and he looks exactly like the image you get in your head when someone first says the phrase “a notorious black market maple syrup seller” to you.

Brian Grubb

# 23rd February 2018, 3:56 pm / crime, brian-grubb


Tell me when to quit.

If you want to get into Person of Interest without having to wade through the less great monster-of-the-week episodes in season one, Io9 has an episode guide listing the season one episodes essential to the overall plot arc. I think it’s solid gold from season two onwards—by far the smartest fictional depiction of artificial intelligence I’ve seen anywhere.

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