Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for attributeexchange

2 posts tagged “attributeexchange”


Yahoo! OpenID: Now with Attribute Exchange! The nice thing about this is that an e-mail address obtained from Yahoo! via attribute exchange has already been verified, so you don’t need to perform the e-mail roundtrip yourself. I expect a lot of OpenID consuming sites will end up with internal whitelists of OpenID providers who they trust to provide verified e-mail addresses, with users of sites not on the whitelist still getting e-mailed a verification link.

# 5th December 2009, 5:25 pm / verification, email, openid, yahoo, attributeexchange


James Henstridge: OpenID 2.0. Excellent description of the new features in OpenID 2.0, including a clear explanation of directed identity and attribute exchange.

# 7th December 2007, 11:53 am / openid, directedidentity, attributeexchange, inames, openid2, james-henstridge