Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for aaron-straup-cope

4 posts tagged “aaron-straup-cope”


If you measure things by foot traffic we [the SFO Museum] are one of the busiest museums in the world. If that is the case we are also one of the busiest museums in the world that no one knows about. Nothing in modern life really prepares you for the idea that a museum should be part of an airport. San Francisco, as I've mentioned, is funny that way.

Aaron Straup Cope

# 1st April 2021, 10:40 pm / san-francisco, aaron-straup-cope, museums


Feature request: a batch version of mapzen.places.getHierarchiesByLatLon. I’ve been having a lot of fun filing issues against various Mapzen / Who’s On First repositories recently—mainly because the team there are incredibly responsive to suggestions and feature requests. Here’s a fun thread where Aaron Straup Cope and myself have been bouncing around some ideas around batch API design.

# 4th October 2017, 11:51 pm / geo, mapzen, whosonfirst, aaron-straup-cope


woedb. Aaron Straup Cope’s stylish new tool for browsing the GeoPlanet database.

# 9th June 2010, 11:42 pm / aaron-straup-cope, geoplanet, woedb, recovered


The recent announcement that Mozilla's next JavaScript engine, Tamarin, will also be a container for functionality written in Python and Ruby (and, one assumes, beyond) is proof that JavaScript is the new Parrot.

Aaron Straup Cope

# 29th July 2007, 9:17 pm / javascript, aaron-straup-cope, mozilla, python, ruby, tamarin, parrot