Simon Willison’s Weblog


Quotations tagged stablediffusion in 2022

Filters: Type: quotation × Year: 2022 × stablediffusion × Sorted by date

A 4.2GiB file isn’t a heist of every single artwork on the Internet, and those who think it is are the ones undervaluing their own contributions and creativity. It’s an amazing summary of what we know about art, and everyone should be able to use it to learn, grow, and create.

Danny O'Brien # 22nd December 2022, 9:47 pm

Of all the parameters in SD, the seed parameter is the most important anchor for keeping the image generation the same. In SD-space, there are only 4.3 billion possible seeds. You could consider each seed a different universe, numbered as the Marvel universe does (where the main timeline is #616, and #616 Dr Strange visits #838 and a dozen other universes). Universe #42 is the best explored, because someone decided to make it the default for (probably a Hitchhiker’s Guide reference). But you could change the seed, and get a totally different result from what is effectively a different universe.

swyx # 17th September 2022, 9:02 pm