Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged seo in 2010

Filters: Year: 2010 × seo × Sorted by date

Is it a good idea to allocate URLs such as to users?

There’s an interesting discussion about this issue on this question: How do sites prevent vanity URLs from colliding with future features ?

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If I have data that loads using  json / JavaScript will it get indexed by Google?

No. Personally I dislike sites with content that is only accessible through JavaScript, but if you absolutely insist on doing this you should look in to implementing the Google Ajax Crawling mechanism:

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Great Literature Retitled To Boost Website Traffic (via) “7 Awesome Ways Barnyard Animals Are Like Communism”. # 17th June 2010, 10:32 am

I’m renaming the book to “Dive Into HTML 5” for better SEO. This is not a joke. The book is the #5 search result for “HTML5” (no space) but #13 for “HTML 5” (with a space). I get 514 visitors a day searching Google for “HTML5” but only 53 visitors a day searching for “HTML 5”.

Mark Pilgrim # 8th June 2010, 8:48 pm