Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged quora, travel in 2011

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2011 × quora × travel × Sorted by date

What are the cheapest hotels in Granada, Spain?

When we were travelling around Spain in 2010 we found reliably gave us the best prices on hotels— and were both good for hostels

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What are some site/app options for event recommendation/discovery?

Our site recommends events (conferences, meetups, expos, guest lectures etc) based on who you follow on Twitter. In my opinion it works extremely well in suggesting events that would be a good fit for you.

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Is there any fairly easy way to travel internationally without taking a corporate airline, cruise, bus etc?

Apparently there is—I haven’t tried it myself, but it’s not impossible to hitch hike on someone’s yacht. It helps if you know how to sail, but if you know how to cook that can get you on board as well.

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What are the best things to do, see, or eat in Marrakech?

Stay in a Riad. We stayed in Riad Laârouss and absolutely loved it—the best place we stayed in Morocco or Egypt (and we were travelling in North Africa for three months). Peaceful, friendly and with a plunge pool for cooling off.

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