Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged openid, reddit

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An OpenID provider should catalogue the sites that a user logs into and automatically construct a homepage for them. That way, not only do the users have the convenience of having their favourite websites automatically bookmarked and readily available, but (with a little help from the consumers), they don’t have to log into the individual sites at all.

Bogtha # 13th July 2007, 7:26 am

The Beauty Of The Diffie-Hellman Protocol. Some useful explanations here. Diffie-Hellman is used by OpenID to establish a shared secret between the provider and the consumer. # 1st March 2007, 10:08 pm

Three steps to OpenID. Maybe explaining OpenID isn’t as hard as I thought... Jacob Kaplan-Moss nails it in three. # 20th December 2006, 12:44 pm