Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged jeremykeith in 2024

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In their rush to cram in “AI” “features”, it seems to me that many companies don’t actually understand why people use their products. [...] Trust is a precious commodity. It takes a long time to build trust. It takes a short time to destroy it.

Jeremy Keith # 29th May 2024, 11:06 am

My approach to HTML web components. Some neat patterns here from Jeremy Keith, who is using Web Components extensively for progressive enhancement of existing markup.

The reactivity you get with full-on frameworks [like React and Vue] isn’t something that web components offer. But I do think web components can replace jQuery and other approaches to scripting the DOM.

Jeremy likes naming components with their element as a prefix (since all element names must contain at least one hyphen), and suggests building components under the single responsibility principle - so you can do things like <button-confirm><button-clipboard><button>....

Jeremy configure buttons with data- attributes and has them communicate with each other using custom events.

Something I hadn't realized is that since the connectedCallback function on a custom element is fired any time that element is attached to a page you can fetch() and then insertHTML content that includes elements and know that they will initialize themselves without needing any extra logic - great for the kind of pattern encourages by systems such as HTMX. # 30th April 2024, 11:02 am