Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged github, nodejs

Filters: github × nodejs × Sorted by date

A framework for building Open Graph images. GitHub’s new social preview images are generated by a Node.js script that fetches data from their GraphQL API, generates an HTML version of the card and then grabs a PNG snapshot of it using Puppeteer. It takes an average of 280ms to serve an image and generates around 2 million unique images a day. Interestingly, they found that bumping the available RAM from 512MB up to 513MB had a big effect on performance, because Chromium detects devices on 512MB or less and switches some processes from parallel to sequential. # 22nd June 2021, 9:25 pm

github-trending-repos (via) This is a really clever hack: Vitaliy Potapov built a system for subscribing to a weekly digest of trending GitHub repos in your favourite languages entirely on top of the existing GitHub issues notification system. Find the issue for your particular language and hit “subscribe” and you’ll get an email (or push notification depending on how you get your issue notifications) once a week with the latest trends. The implementation is a 220 line Node.js script which runs on a daily and weekly schedule using Circle CI, so Vitaliy doesn’t even have to host or pay for any of the underlying infrastructure. It’s brilliant. # 23rd February 2018, 5:36 pm


