Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged ai, observable

Filters: ai × observable × Sorted by date

Observable notebook: Detect objects in images (via) I built an Observable notebook that uses Transformers.js and the Xenova/detra-resnet-50 model to detect objects in images, entirely running within your browser. You can select an image using a file picker and it will show you that image with bounding boxes and labels drawn around items within it. I have a demo image showing some pelicans flying ahead, but it works with any image you give it—all without uploading that image to a server. # 1st October 2023, 3:46 pm

Llama encoder and decoder. I forked my GPT tokenizer Observable notebook to create a similar tool for exploring the tokenization scheme used by the Llama family of LLMs, using the new llama-tokenizer-js JavaScript library. # 13th June 2023, 10:37 pm

GPT-3 token encoder and decoder. I built an Observable notebook with an interface to encode, decode and search through GPT-3 tokens, building on top of a notebook by EJ Fox and Ian Johnson. # 27th April 2023, 11:48 pm