Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged ai, bloom in 2023

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2023 × ai × bloom × Sorted by date

ROOTS search tool (via) BLOOM is one of the most interesting completely openly licensed language models. The ROOTS corpus is the training data that was collected for it, and this tool lets you run searches directly against that corpus. I tried searching for my own name and got an interesting insight into what it knows about me. # 3rd April 2023, 8:40 pm

bloomz.cpp (via) Nouamane Tazi Adapted the llama.cpp project to run against the BLOOM family of language models, which were released in July 2022 and trained in France on 45 natural languages and 12 programming languages using the Jean Zay Public Supercomputer, provided by the French government and powered using mostly nuclear energy.

It’s under the RAIL license which allows (limited) commercial use, unlike LLaMA.

Nouamane reports getting 16 tokens/second from BLOOMZ-7B1 running on an M1 Pro laptop. # 16th March 2023, 12:24 am

Petals (via) The challenge with large language models in the same scale ballpark as GPT-3 is that they’re large—really large. Far too big to run on a single machine at home. Petals is a fascinating attempt to address that problem: it works a little bit like BitTorrent, in that each user of Petal runs a subset of the overall language model on their machine and participates in a larger network to run inference across potentially hundreds of distributed GPUs. I tried it just now in Google Colab and it worked exactly as advertised, after downloading an 8GB subset of the 352GB BLOOM-176B model. # 2nd January 2023, 11:29 pm



