Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged networking in Sep

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Professional Networking: How can I find on the internet an expert in a given field?

We launched a speaker directory for Lanyrd recently that might help here—it lists the most prolific speakers for thousands of topics, based on our dataset gathered across many conferences around the world.

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ZeroMQ: Modern and Fast Networking Stack. I get ZeroMQ now. I was having trouble figuring out how it differed from things like RabbitMQ—it turns out it’s an entirely new low-level socket abstraction, designed to make common socket programming tasks like message sending/receiving and publish/subscribe a whole lot easier than dealing with raw BSD sockets. # 5th September 2010, 7:41 pm

Justniffer. Packet sniffing tool that can output sniffed HTTP traffic formatted the same way as an Apache access_log file. # 25th September 2009, 10:12 pm