Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged events in Sep, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Sep × events × Sorted by date

Other than CL, Yelp and Eventbrite, what are some good online event calendars to post to?

Make sure you are listed on—and don’t forget to add you event’s speakers and tag it with the relevant topics (e.g. )

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Event Planning: What are some useful books and resources on professional events and conference planning? is fantastic. It focuses on running small tech conferences, but there’s plenty of advice in there that applies to all sizes of event.

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Event Planning: What can I do to protect myself from a keynote speaker not showing up?

My hunch is that if a keynote speaker doesn’t show up it won’t be for financial reasons—and they wouldn’t expect their fee to be paid. Much more likely it would be a family emergency or unexpected travel problem.

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