Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged virtualization in Jul

Filters: Month: Jul × virtualization × Sorted by date

Lima VM—Linux Virtual Machines On macOS (via) This looks really useful: “brew install lima” to install, then “limactl start default” to start an Ubuntu VM running and “lima” to get a shell. Julia Evans wrote about the tool this morning, and here Adam Gordon Bell includes details on adding a writable directory (by default lima mounts your macOS home directory in read-only mode). # 10th July 2023, 7:01 pm

Why We Replaced Firecracker with QEMU (via) Hocus are building a self-hosted alternative to cloud development environment tools like GitPod and Codespaces. They moved away from Firecracker because it’s optimized for short-running (AWS Lambda style) functions—which means it never releases allocated RAM or storage volume space back to the host machine unless the container is entirely restarted. It also lacks GPU support. # 10th July 2023, 3:09 pm


