Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged macosx in Jul

Filters: Month: Jul × macosx × Sorted by date (via) Adrien Brault provided this recipe for compiling llama.cpp on macOS with GPU support enabled (“LLAMA_METAL=1 make”) and then downloading and running a GGML build of Llama 2 13B. # 19th July 2023, 4:04 am

Lima VM—Linux Virtual Machines On macOS (via) This looks really useful: “brew install lima” to install, then “limactl start default” to start an Ubuntu VM running and “lima” to get a shell. Julia Evans wrote about the tool this morning, and here Adam Gordon Bell includes details on adding a writable directory (by default lima mounts your macOS home directory in read-only mode). # 10th July 2023, 7:01 pm

Organize and Index Your Screenshots (OCR) on macOS (via) Alexandru Nedelcu has a very neat recipe for creating an archive of searchable screenshots on macOS: set the default save location for screenshots to a Dropbox folder, then create a launch agent that runs a script against new files in that folder to run tesseract OCR to convert them into a searchable PDF. # 18th July 2021, 4:11 pm