Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged blogging in Jun

Filters: Month: Jun × blogging × Sorted by date

How (some) good corporate engineering blogs are written (via) Dan Luu interviewed engineers from Cloudflare, Heap, and Segment—three companies with excellent technical blogs—and three other unnamed companies with blogs he categorized as lame.

How conclusion? The design of the process for publishing—most notable the speed and number of approvals needed to get something published—makes all the difference. # 1st June 2024, 8:35 am

Twenty years of my blog

I started this blog on June 12th 2002—twenty years ago today! To celebrate two decades of blogging, I decided to pull together some highlights and dive down a self-indulgent nostalgia hole.

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One of the ways the internet has changed around us over the years is the blog-o-sphere of MetaFilter’s early years has all but disappeared, and so has the kind of link-sharing culture that went with it.

Josh Millard # 14th June 2018, 2:01 pm

If I write a blog, then use the same information to create a slideshare presentation, will that help or hurt my website’s SEO?

I would be absolutely amazed if you were hit by a duplicate content penalty for this. To a search engine spider (even a super advanced one) content formatted as a blog post and similar content repurposed as slides will look completely different.

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Meg on blogging

Meg Hourihan: What We’re Doing When We Blog. It’s a curious fact of blogdom that many bloggers blog blogging—why they do it, what it is and why it’s so important. I feel Meg has nailed it with this article—blogging is defined by the format, not by the subject matter. She also makes some insightful comments about why the blogging format works so well:

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