Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged apple in Jun

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First Impressions of Vision Pro and VisionOS. John Gruber’s description of his thirty minute Vision Pro demo includes a bunch of details I haven’t seen described anywhere else, including how calibration and corrective lenses work and how precise and stable the overlays of additional information are. # 8th June 2023, 6:16 am

Without touching upon the question of who’s right and who’s wrong in the specific case of Basecamp’s Hey app, or the broader questions of what, if anything, ought to change in Apple’s App Store policies, an undeniable and important undercurrent to this story is that the business model policies of the App Store have resulted in a tremendous amount of resentment. This spans the entire gamut from one-person indies all the way up to the handful of large corporations that can be considered Apple’s peers or near-peers.

John Gruber # 20th June 2020, 5:48 am

Apple password-manager-resources (via) Apple maintain on open source repository full of heuristics for implementing smart password managers. It lists password rules for different sites (e.g. min/max length, special characters required), change password URLs for different services and sites that share credential backends—like and They accept pull requests! # 9th June 2020, 4:21 am

Using the patent application as a guide, Apple appears to be making room on the iPhone for flash memory, which means an end to Apple’s standoff with Adobe (ADBE) that’s kept iPhones from easily viewing a plethora of Internet videos.

Ben Charny # 6th June 2008, 9:08 pm

The Machine That Changed the World: The Paperback Computer. This third episode (the second has also been published) is awesome—Sketchpad (the first GUI), NLS, Xerox PARC, the Homebrew Computer Club, Apple and the Macintosh, Lotus 123, Microsoft, and Virtual Reality presented as the “future” of computing. Worth investing an hour to watch it. # 6th June 2008, 8:18 pm

Safari Beta 3.0.1 for Windows. A nice fast turnaround on fixes for security flaws in the beta. # 14th June 2007, 9:56 am

Safari for Windows, 0day exploit in 2 hours (via) Once again, down to handling of alternative URL protocol schemes. # 12th June 2007, 1:30 pm

Enabling the debug menu on Safari for Windows. “Turn off site-specific hacks” is one of the menu options. # 12th June 2007, 1:18 pm

Safari 3 Public Beta. Safari for Windows. Unfortunately this kills the best excuse corporate Web developers had for getting Macs (“we need to run all our supported browsers on one machine”). # 11th June 2007, 11:06 pm