Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged homebrewllms in Apr, 2024

Filters: Type: blogmark × Year: 2024 × Month: Apr × homebrewllms × Sorted by date

microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf (via) Microsoft’s Phi-3 LLM is out and it’s really impressive. This 4,000 token context GGUF model is just a 2.2GB (for the Q4 version) and ran on my Mac using the llamafile option described in the README. I could then run prompts through it using the llm-llamafile plugin.

The vibes are good! Initial test prompts I’ve tried feel similar to much larger 7B models, despite using just a few GBs of RAM. Tokens are returned fast too—it feels like the fastest model I’ve tried yet.

And it’s MIT licensed. # 23rd April 2024, 5:40 pm

llm-gpt4all. New release of my LLM plugin which builds on Nomic's excellent gpt4all Python library. I've upgraded to their latest version which adds support for Llama 3 8B Instruct, so after a 4.4GB model download this works:

llm -m Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct "say hi in Spanish" # 20th April 2024, 5:58 pm

Mistral tweet a magnet link for mixtral-8x22b. Another open model release from Mistral using their now standard operating procedure of tweeting out a raw torrent link.

This one is an 8x22B Mixture of Experts model. Their previous most powerful openly licensed release was Mixtral 8x7B, so this one is a whole lot bigger (a 281GB download)—and apparently has a 65,536 context length, at least according to initial rumors on Twitter. # 10th April 2024, 2:31 am



