Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged travel in Feb, 2012

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2012 × Month: Feb × travel × Sorted by date

What is the best travelling iPhone application for a 9 day trip through Europe?

Instapaper is essential—it will let you save any web page for offline access on your iPhone which is fantastic things like Wikipedia and Wikitravel.

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Is it reasonably safe to visit Ethiopia and then to fly from Ethiopia back home via Cairo?

If you’re specifically interested in the Cairo leg then yes, it’s safe. Cairo is a modern city if over 20 million people. Tourism is Egypt’s most important industry and they are very, very good at protecting that cash cow even during times of political turmoil. If you pay attention to the news and don’t go actively looking for street riots to get involved with you’ll be fine.

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