Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged hackernews in Feb

Filters: Month: Feb × hackernews × Sorted by date

Spam, and its cousins like content marketing, could kill HN if it became orders of magnitude greater—but from my perspective, it isn’t the hardest problem on HN. [...]

By far the harder problem, from my perspective, is low-quality comments, and I don’t mean by bad actors—the community is pretty good about flagging and reporting those; I mean lame and/or mean comments by otherwise good users who don’t intend to and don’t realize they’re doing that.

dang # 19th February 2024, 3:57 pm

Analytics: Hacker News v.s. a tweet from Elon Musk

My post Bing: “I will not harm you unless you harm me first” really took off.

[... 817 words]

What I’ve Learned from Hacker News. I’m always fascinated by online community war stories. # 25th February 2009, 11:16 pm