Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged xfml in Nov, 2002

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2002 × Month: Nov × xfml × Sorted by date

XFML for Radio

Spotted on Guide to ease: Bill Kearney has written an XFML tool for Radio Userland. This sounds great—I’d love to see an example of a Radio blog that is using this.

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XFMLManager, Peter Van Dijck’s XFML construction and navigation tool to which I have contributed various chunks of XML related code, has been renamed Taxomita and given a brand new site. Peter hopes to have a public beta out within the next few weeks. It also has a mailing list. Meanwhile, XFML has been cropping up all over the place even despite the current lack of software, with the most recent sighting occurring over at Bill Kearney’s Syndication News.

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