Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged nodejs in Nov, 2010

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2010 × Month: Nov × nodejs × Sorted by date

Why is Diaspora built on Ruby on Rails instead of Node.js?

Because Node.js had almost no visibility at all six months ago when Diaspora started. Also, Node.js has only very recently stopped breaking API backwards compatibility on a regular basis. Plus the Ruby library ecosystem is much, much larger than the Node.js ecosystem.

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Would you recommend using Google Go with web.go, or Node.js for a new web server project which will involve high IO?

If you already know JavaScript, picking up Node.js is pretty easy. It also has a much larger community of web developers around it at the moment than web.go, which means there’s more example code / open source bits and pieces floating around.

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