Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged queues in Jan

Filters: Month: Jan × queues × Sorted by date

Introducing docent. Paul Mison’s clever little Flickr app for viewing galleries that have been added by your contacts. It runs in Python on App Engine and makes extensive use of the Task Queue API. # 28th January 2010, 8:35 pm

BLPOP and BRPOP in Redis. Added over Christmas—Redis now has blocking list pop operations. This means you can use Redis to drive a queue server without the need for polling—simply BLPOP against a key and, if it’s empty, your client will block until another client pushes an item on to the list. Multiple clients can block against the same key and only the first client will return when an item becomes available. # 7th January 2010, 10:50 pm

New Gearman Server & Library in C, MySQL UDFs. Gearman, the job queue written for LiveJournal and now used by Digg and Yahoo!, has been rewritten in C. Looks like a good candidate for an easily configured lightweight message queue. Also includes hooks for writing MySQL functions that can interact with queues. # 13th January 2009, 4:41 pm